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Multiple Subversion Repositories

We specified the location of the repository using SVNPath. However, if we need to handle several repositories we can use SVNParentPath to specify the directory containing the repositories:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /usr/local/www/svn.multi/repos

We create as many repositories as we want:

# cd /usr/local/www/svn.multi/repos
# svnadmin create repo1
# chown -R www:www repo1
# chmod -R o-rwx repo1
# svnadmin create repo2
# chown -R www:www repo2
# chmod -R o-rwx repo2

Now we have to include the name of the repository in the url

$ svn mkdir -m ''make dir'' http://localhost/svn/repo1/dir1
$ svn mkdir -m ''make dir'' http://localhost/svn/repo2/dir2
$ svn list http://localhost/svn/repo1
$ svn list http://localhost/svn/repo2

Ivan Ivanov 2008-04-21